Dry Needling Physical Therapy
in Longmont, CO
Get pain relief and enhanced mobility with our expert dry needling technique. This safe and effective treatment reduces pain, relieves muscle tension, and accelerates healing.
Dr. Will Trujillo is extensively trained in dry needling techniques. He has taken over 200 course hours (Colorado only requires 50 hours of dry needling education) and has over 12 years of experience in dry needling. He uses a variety of techniques and approaches for different patients.
AAFY integrates pain resolution with performance enhancement, allowing you to stay active while healing.
What is dry needling?
Dry needling is the insertion of filament needles into soft tissues. We use a very thin flexible needle and insert it into the desired target tissues. The insertion causes both local effects at the tissues and within the neurological system. It's a very low-risk treatment for a variety of ailments.
Contact Us to Get Started with AAFY
Get started with AAFY by sending us information about your injury. Visit our contact page to email, call, or text us the following information:
Your contact information
Date of injury
Medical clearance
Dry Needling FAQs
Dry needling can help with a myriad of conditions. The majority of our patients see us for pain relief, however, dry needling can also help reduce muscle tension, improve local circulation, and help with exercise recovery.
Dry needling can help with a myriad of conditions. The majority of our patients see us for pain relief, however, dry needling can also help reduce muscle tension, improve local circulation, and help with exercise recovery.
Dry needling can be uncomfortable!!! You can feel some muscle spasm and soreness similar to a hard workout. We have more- and less-intense techniques depending on your comfort level and familiarity with the treatment.
We offer dry needling with electrical stimulation to enhance the effects of the dry needling. The electrical stimulation works at both a local and systemic level. The electricity communicates with your nervous system and can more effectively help a muscle contract and reduce pain. Locally, the muscle pump helps to clear metabolites associated with injury.
Yes!! Dry needling can be a part of a holistic treatment plan to help you recover from plantar fasciitis. Dry needling can help release tension, reduce pain, increase blood flow, and encourage faster healing of inflamed tissues.
Yes!! Dry needling can be a part of a holistic treatment plan to help you recover from low back pain. It can target and release tension in the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve. This reduces the nerve pressure and provides pain relief and increases mobility.
There is a lot of variation, some of the insertions you wont feel at all. The strongest sensation would be a “local twitch response.” This occurs when inserting into a taut muscle and you feel a strong contraction and release of the tissue.
You should move!! Dry needling is best utilized to open a neurological window. The movement you do afterwards helps cement the gains. We recommend heat afterwards if you have some discomfort.